
Showing posts from April, 2024

The First PLAY-by-PLAY

  The Play-by-Play? Does that mean we are going to give you every little detail minute by minute from camp? I wish. Every minute at camp is pure joy and I could easily look around and share something good happening at any given moment. But that would make for a reeeeeeeeeally long blog and a really short return-reader list. Nope, this is just a place to tell one really good story from camp. A story about PLAY written by PLAY. PLAY, by PLAY. See what I did there? We regularly post on Facebook and Instagram but how can you tell a story in 2 or less sentences?! And we send out a newsletter after every camp, but that’s just the highlights we can fit in a paragraph or two. There’s always one truly powerful story that comes out of each camp and we want to be able to share it with you in a way that goes deeper and reveals the beautiful ways that PLAY is impacting these children. The stories will be about real kids who were at camp but we will always change the names to protect their priv